Was gibt es Neues von und über uns zu berichten?

Successful week at Formnext
One Click Metal is reflecting on a great successful week at Formnext in Frankfurt. One Click Metal thanks everyone that supported and visited the team

One Click Metal and Magu
One Click Metal and Magu are excited to announce a new partnership. Through this partnership, One Click Metal is introducing black titanium, a sought-after material

One Click Metal at Formnext
One Click Metal at Formnext: Join Us Next Week! We’re excited to announce that One Click Metal will be at Formnext 2024 from November 19-22

One Click Metal at MSV
With MCAE systems, One Click Metal was represented at MSV International Engineering Fair in Brno, one of the largest and most prestigious industrial trade

One Click Metal at AMB
Last week the One Click Metal team was part of the Index booth at AMB in Stuttgart, Germany. The whole week, visitors could see the

One Click Metal at IMTS
This week the One Click Metal team is at IMTS in Chicago. The Metal 3D printing system of One Click Metal can be found at

New One Click Metal partner
With MCAE systems, One Click Metal has a new partner for the Czech republic on board. The company has been in the world of industrial

One Click Metal at Rapid+TCT
One Click Metal attended Rapid+TCT in Los Angeles at the end of June, North America’s largest additive manufacturing and industrial 3D printing event. The large

One Click Metal part of Index Open House
Last week One Click Metal was part of INDEX Open House in Deizisau. With its INDEX and TRAUB brands, INDEX Werke is now one of

New US partnership
One Click Metal, based in Tamm, Germany, has announced a partnership with MasterGraphics, headquartered in Fitchburg, Wisconsin, USA, expanding One Click’s reach into key states

One Click Metal at AMUG conference
The one Click Metal team was at AMUG conference in Chicago in march 2024. One Click Metal presented its metal 3D printing system containing of

System installation in Italy
Another One Click Metal system installation in Italy by One Click Metal partner Synergon. Both, the metal 3D printer MPRINT and the unpacking and sieving

One Click Metal at alphacam Expo in Vienna
End of January the One Click Metal system was represented at the alphacam expo in Vienna. Alphacam is One Click Metals reseller in Germany, Switzerland

One Click Metal represented at SteelFab
In January One Click Metal was represented at SteelFab in Sharjah by its’s reseller Kingsbury. SteelFab is known as the most comprehensive event of its

New Mexico State University welcomes One Click Metal systems
New Mexico State University (NMSU) has recently augmented its research capabilities with the integration of two metal 3D printing systems of One Click Metal, specializing

One Click Metal at Formnext 2023
One Click Metal looks back to a Sucessful week at Formnext Formnext 2023 provided a platform for One Click Metal to share our latest developments

One Click Metal supports Race Up Team
One Click Metal supported the students of Padova University in italy by supplying them a metal 3d printed component for their racing car. The component

One Click Metal at EMAF
Together with the One Click Metal reseller Codi, the metal 3d printing system BOLDseries was presented at EMAF in Porto. The EMAF fair in Portugal

One Click Metal at Universities
One Click Metal had a successful installation of their metal 3d printing system BOLDseries at the Engineering Department of Montana Technological University. The easy powder

One Click Metal at TCT 3sixty
The metal 3d printing system BOLDseries of One Click Metal was represented at TCT 3sixty by their reseller Tri-Tech 3D. The TCT 3Sixty exhibition in

New educational partner for One Click Metal
Metal 3D printer manufacturer One Click Metal entered a partnership with Technical Training Aids for distribution of the BOLDseries (metal 3D printing system) in the

Index OpenHouse 2023
Once again this year, the OpenHouse took place at Index. One Click Metal was also present and presented their metal 3d printing system. Visitors from

One Click Metal at Rapid+TCT
The One Click Metal team had a successful week at Rapid+TCT in Chicago, where they attended with an own booth. The company presented itself with

One Click Metal with Autodesk at Hannover Messe
This week One Click Metal was represented by autodesk at the Hannover Messe. While One Click Metal didn’t have a booth by themselves, their metal

One Click Metal schließt Partnerschaft mit Impac Systems Engineering
Der Systemanbieter für Metall-3D-Drucksysteme One Click Metal geht eine eine Partnerschaft mit Impac Systems Engineering ein und ist damit in weiteren wichtigen Bundesstaaten der USA

Impac Systems Engineering to distribute One Click Metal in US
Metal 3D printer manufacturer One Click Metal entered a partnership with Impac Systems Engineering (ISE) for distribution of the BOLDseries 3D printer in 9 US states and

One Click Metal changing the metal 3D printing game
Read the latest article about One Click Metal. Written by Mark de Wolf and published on Redshift, an online magazine by Autodesk. https://redshift.autodesk.com/articles/one-click-metal

One Click Metal at Global Industrie 2023
One Click Metal’s french reseller Decip attended the Global Industrie fair in Lyon presenting the metal 3d printer MPRINT. Global Industrie brings together all players

Metallteile aus dem 3D-Drucker – einfach und sicher
Wie ein Startup aus Deutschland den Markt für Metall-3D-Drucker aufmischen will. Das Startup One-Click-Metal entwickelt 3D-Drucker, die schnell und kostengünstig Metallteile herstellen können.

One Click Metal Partners with i-ProDens and imes-icore to bring Metal Printing to Dental
One Click Metal is a low-cost metal printer manufacturer started by Trumpf and, now, a subsidiary of machine tool firm Index. Since the Index acquisition, the German firm

INDEX Buys Controlling Stake in One Click Metal
Machine tool manufacturer INDEX acquired a controlling majority interest in One Click Metal, part of a new breed of low-cost metal printing companies. Offering accessible

Start-up of the month May 2021: One Click Metal
One Click Metal ist ein deutsches Startup, die den Zugang zur additiven Fertigung von Metallen erleichtern werden. Dafür wurde eine Drucklösung entwickelt, welche einfacher zu

Push Button Metal: Players in Low-Cost PBF Metal 3D Printing
There is a 3D printing metal evolution that has been going on for the past two years. Aside from the much-publicized hype in binder jet

Additive Fertigung in Metall – möglichst einfach
Das Trumpf-Start-up One Click Metal bietet bewährte 3D-Drucktechnologie in Metall für jedermann zum Einstiegspreis. Dabei spielt die “Wir denken für dich mit”-Philosophie eine ganz besondere

Erfolgreiche Maschinenauslieferung
Es war ein langer Weg, aber wir haben es geschafft: gemeinsam mit unserem Vertriebspartner alphacam haben wir unsere ersten Maschinen ausgeliefert und bei einem unseren Testkunden

TRUMPF und seine Start-ups
Mittlerweile sind bereits drei Ideen als Ausgründung von Trumpf am Markt aktiv: One Click Metal: Der Metall-3D-Druck ist aus dem Industriealltag kaum wegzudenken. https://www.lkz.de/lokales/landkreis-ludwigsburg_artikel,-trumpf-und-seine-start-ups-_arid,600824.html

So günstig kann Metall 3D Druck sein
Was ist One Click Metal? Miriam Stiller und Designer Till Blaser erklären den neuen Metall 3D Druck, der den Edelstahl-Druck erschwinglich machen soll https://www.nc-fertigung.de/so-guenstig-kann-metall-3d-druck-sein

Laserhub und One Click Metal veröffentlichen Survival-Guide für industrielle Start-ups
Fünf Tipps für junge Unternehmen um die Corona-Krise zu meistern Fünf Tipps für junge Unternehmen um die Corona-Krise zu meistern

10 3D Printing Startups To Watch Out For In 2020
3D printing startups play an important role within the additive manufacturing industry: they help to fill in existing gaps and drive innovation in technology, materials

The secret behind the affordable metal additive manufacturing system of One Click Metal
“It wasn’t accessible to professionals who aim to leverage the technology”, an example of the reason why a company decides to get into a new

Additive manufacturing experts predict the 3D printing trends to watch in 2020
Predicting the future is impossible. But that doesn’t stop us at 3D Printing Industry from inviting CEOs, CTOs and other AM experts to give us

Messestand auf der Formnext in Frankfurt für One Click Metal
One Click Metal schenkte uns für ihren ersten Messeauftritt zum Product Launch ihr Vertrauen. Dies wissen wir sehr zu schätzen und haben unser Bestes gegeben,

Die schönsten Metallteile der Formnext
Kennen Sie schon One Click Metal? NCFertigung zeigt die Highlights von der Formnext: DMG Mori, GF Machining Solutions, 3D Systems, Metrom, amf, Röders, DSM, Bionic

Formnext 2019: industrial additive manufacturing in full bloom
This year again, Formnext was a big success: bringing together more than 850 exhibitors and 34,500 participants (compared to 27,000 last year), the 5th edition

One Click Metal is democratizing metal additive manufacturing with Fusion 360
One Click Metal aims to sell a metal 3D printer for less than 50.000 EUR. The machine is integrated into the additive manufacturing environment of

One Click Metal low cost laser powder bed fusion 3D printer
One Click Metal has introduced a low-cost Laser Powder Bed Fusion 3D printer aiming to make metal 3D printer more accessible https://www.proimage3d.com/3d-printing/one-click-metal-low-cost-laser-powder-bed-fusion-3d-printer/
Interview with One Click Metal CEO on debut of low-cost laser powder bed fusion 3D printer at Formnext
One Click Metal is aiming to make metal additive manufacturing more accessible with the introduction of a low-cost laser powder bed fusion 3D printer. Read

Smart, affordable and accessible: Introducing the One Click Metal 3D printer
Born out of a simple question – why isn’t there an affordable metal 3D printer? – fresh German start-up is about to launch its first

Finally cheap direct metal 3D printing – from One Click Metal
Let’s print – with metals. One Click Metal is working on making the LPDF-technology a lot more affordable. Watch the YouTube-Video on Thomas Sanladerer’s channel!