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One Click Metal Opuscolo

Sfogliate l’ampia brochure online di One Click Metal e scoprite tutto sui nostri prodotti, sul nostro processo e sul nostro lavoro.

Cover Flyer BOLDseries

Volantino del prodotto

Nella brochure del prodotto troverai le informazioni più importanti sulla BOLDseries oltre ai dati tecnici. (2022.06)
Cover Flyer Labmodul

Volantino Lab Module

Nel volantino troverai le informazioni più importanti sul nostro Lab Module
Cover Flyer Design Guide

Design Guide

In our Design Guide you will find guidelines to designing parts for metal 3D printing, information on the LPBF process, and an overview of possible applications for metal 3D printing.

Case Study: Rapid Manufacturing

Our case study Rapid Manufacturing for your own business: cost and time efficiency with metal additive manufacturing shows an in-house use case for metal 3D printing, saving 96% time and 23% costs.

Comunicato stampa

New sales and service partner Decip 3D

The press release provides a brief overview of the new partnership with the French company Decip 3D.

Nuovo partner di vendita e assistenza Synergon

Il comunicato stampa fornisce una breve panoramica della nuova partnership con l’azienda italiana Synergon.

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Please fill in your name and email-address and you will receive a download link in your inbox. Don’t forget to check your spam folder as well.

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Please fill in your name and email-address and you will receive a download link in your inbox. Don’t forget to check your spam folder as well.

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Please fill in your name and email-address and you will receive a download link in your inbox. Don’t forget to check your spam folder as well.