Successful machine delivery

It was a long way, but we have made it: together with our distribution partner alphacam we delivered our first machines and successfully installed them at one of our test customers. Hoedtke company based in Pinneberg near Hamburg. As an engineering office and production company, they have specialized in the machining and processing of metallic materials. And this for over 75 years with more than 250 employees at two locations. Hoedtke develops and manufactures parts, components, and systems for various industries (automotive, computer and electrical industries, government agencies and research institutes, aircraft and machine construction, medical technology). As a contract manufacturer, their goal is to enable their customers to realize their own products with manufacturing know-how (source: Hoedtke website).

The first meeting

We met Hoedtke for the first time at Formnext 2019 in Frankfurt. We explained our idea and our prototypes to them. Now, almost a year later, a BOLDseries is standing on their premises. At this point, thank you very much for your trust! The Hoedtke company is no newcomer to metal 3D printing. But with our system, they have brought a powder bed-based metal 3D printer into their company for the first time. We asked Mr. Hoedtke (CEO) and Dr. Seyda (technology expert additive manufacturing) a few questions about their motivation and expectations.

In dialogue with the Hoedtke company

What are your expectations of the system?

"We expect the OCM-system to enable us to produce components quickly and flexibly as required, directly from the development/design department, at comparatively low cost. We hope to enter the powder bed technology market and offer our customers an even broader portfolio in metal 3D printing."

Where do you see the greatest added value of the system especially for your company?

"We assume that the greatest added value is the simplicity of the system. And in the independence of the system. If our designers can quickly produce parts independently without having to call on the work preparation department or a specialist department, then the implementation speed increases enormously."

Why did you choose the system of One Click Metal, a previously unknown and newly founded start-up? There are many other – established – companies that also offer metal 3D printers.

"The people at One Click Metal impressed us. We think that we can exchange information about the technology much more intensively with the young and motivated team and that we will work together as partners."

We are pleased that the BOLDseries has now been successfully put into operation in northern Germany and are looking forward to future feedback.

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