New One Click Metal partner

MCAE systems to visit One Click Metal

With MCAE systems, One Click Metal has a new partner for the Czech republic on board. The company has been in the world of industrial 3D technology for almost thirty years and has a wide portfolio of modern equipment with which it turns industrial and artistic visions into reality. Customers appreciate especially the comprehensiveness of MCAE systems solutions and the high quality service and consulting.

With the metal 3D printing system from One Click Metal, consisting of the metal 3D printer MPRINT and the 2in1 unpacking and sieving station MPUREpro, MCAE expands it’s portfolio with an intuitive and affordable printing technology. The MCAE team visited the One Click Metal premises for a comprehensive training and is now ready to serve the Czech customers.

One Click Metal and MCAE systems are looking forward to a strong and successful partnership.

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