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Cover Flyer BOLDseries

Product flyer

In the product flyer you will find the most important information about the BOLDSERIES as well as the technical data.
Cover Flyer Labmodul

Flyer Lab Module

In the flyer you will find the most important information about the Lab Module

Cover Flyer Design Guide

Design Guide

In our Design Guide you will find guidelines to designing parts for metal 3D printing, information on the LPBF process, and an overview of possible applications for metal 3D printing.

Case Study: Rapid Manufacturing

Our case study Rapid Manufacturing for your own business: cost and time efficiency with metal additive manufacturing shows an in-house use case for metal 3D printing, saving 96% time and 23% costs.

Metal 3d printed component

Case Study: Fixture construction

Our case study Fixture Construction for your own business: cost and time efficiency with metal additive manufacturing shows a Case Study with Hoedtke Metall- und Lasertechnik. 

14 driver on one build plate

Case Study: Serial production

Our case study Serial production for your own business: cost and time efficiency with metal additive manufacturing shows a in-house use case for metal 3D printing, saving time and costs.

Press releases

New sales and service partner Decip 3D

The press release provides a brief overview of the new partnership with the French company Decip 3D. (2021.10-2)

New sales and service partner Synergon

The press release provides a brief overview of the new partnership with the Italian company Synergon.

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