Do you know the biggest problems in metal 3D printing?

We have intensively examined the current metal 3D printing market and interviewed some customers who shared their opinions about metal 3D printing with us. We are sharing our findings with you here.

The LPBF process has been in use in industry for over 20 years and therefore has the highest degree of technological maturity. It enables high densities, flexibility and productivity combined with high resolution. Hardly any other AM process offers this.

The logical conclusion would then have to be that metal 3D printers based on this method are widespread and are successfully used and applied.

Are they?

– Wrong.

Reason 01

There are some companies that own metal 3D printers. But most of the systems are not used. Most of the time they simply stand still.

How can that be?

The applications for this are missing. Many engineers lack the knowledge of how and where metal 3D printing can be used most effectively.

Reason 02

Apart from the overcapacity that exists mainly in the large format and premium segment, small to medium sized companies can hardly afford their own metal 3D printers, simply because they are far too expensive and require a lot of expertise to operate.

What does it all mean?

Market Situation Metal 3d Printing Icon Knowledge

Know-How problem

Currently, many companies lack the knowledge to use AM technologies profitably and how to convert classically manufactured parts into AM components. In addition, most machines are highly complex, so that beginners without prior knowledge cannot operate them.
Market Situation Metal 3d Printing Icon Powder

Powder handling problem

The majority of current systems on the market do not offer clean and safe powder management. Only those with sufficient expertise are able to operate these systems.
Market Situation Metal 3d Printing Icon Costs

Cost problem

High investment costs prevent an easy and fast entry into the field of metal 3D printing. And who would invest in a system that he does not even really know how to operate…
Market Situation Metal 3d Printing Icon Accessibility

Accessibility problem

Accessibility, especially for many small and medium-sized companies, is severely restricted by high costs, unsafe powder handling and the lack of knowledge.

So this is what it looks like.

A technology with great potential is only accessible to a few companies.

So far.

Now there is us and the BOLDseries.

We say it has to be better than that.

More companies need access to metal 3D printing systems.

How do we do that?

By developing solutions to the problems described above and integrating them into our products.

The result: a metal 3D printing system made with mind.

One Click Metal - made with mind.

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