One Click Metal at Rapid+TCT

One Click Metal team at Rapid+TCT

One Click Metal attended Rapid+TCT in Los Angeles at the end of June, North America’s largest additive manufacturing and industrial 3D printing event. The large booth showcased the intuitive metal 3D printer MPRINT and the unpacking and sieving station MPUREpro. The company also presented their interchangeable build modules, which expand the application possibilities of the system. Visitors had the opportunity to see many exciting metal 3D printed parts and even received a bottle opener fresh from the build plate. It was a great event to demonstrate the affordable and versatile system, which significantly contributes to the medical market by offering the capability to print in Titanium, one of the most widely used materials in the medical field. One Click Metal is looking forward to be at Rapid+TCT next year.

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One Click Metal at AMUG conference

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